Emerging Modern Directors

Equipping the directors of tomorrow with tools for strategy, vision and people leadership in the new world of work

Self Leadership 

Understanding your own Purpose, Values, Change Readiness and how this impacts your role as a leader. 

Identifying your Future Self

Owning your limiting beliefs

Taking steps to let go of what is not serving you


Understanding how to enable your people to reach their potential

Leveraging essential team practices like, ways of working and operating rhythms in our new world of hybrid work

Use team dynamics to leverage strengths + outcomes


Connecting to macro ideas and concepts that shape our world

Learning how to integrate this in visionary strategic plans

Understanding what is strategic planning and your role in scaling

Learn three key skills to lead your people in the new world of work

You’ll gain in-depth insights into 3 key areas, and take away practical tools to immediately embed in your growth and learning.

The Journey.

Session One

1/2 day OR 2 x 90 min sessions

(online or in-person)

Session Two

1/2 day OR 2 x 90 mins sessions

(online or in-person)

Session Three

1/2 day OR 2 x 90 min sessions

(online or in-person)