Modern People exists to humanise the new world of work. We co-design a pathway to that new world. We make the future tangible, simple and real.

DEIB Consulting

What is DEIB in the Workplace?


Refers to the presence of differences within a given setting.

Is the process of ensuring fair treatment, equality of opportunity, and fairness in access to information and resources for all.



Is the practice of creating environments in which any individual or group can be and feel welcomed, respected, supported, and valued to fully participate.


Is the feeling of security and support when there is a sense of acceptance, inclusion, and identity for a member of a certain group or place.

DEIB Strategy is a comprehensive plan used by your organisation to create and foster a workplace that embraces diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.

  • fostering a diverse workforce

  • creating equitable policies and procedures

  • implementing anti-discrimination practices

  • developing an inclusive culture

  • celebrating workplace diversities

  • enabling an environment which encourages contribution from all

A good DEIB strategy outlines the objectives of the organisation in terms of:

Walk away with…

Insights and Awareness

Understanding of your current state, and a greater awareness of gaps, opportunities and untapped potential

A self-sustaining Strategy and Plan

Together we co-design a strategy and actionable plan centred around what makes sense to your organisation, aligned to your strategic plan and rooted in your values whilst bringing your purpose to life

Self-leading Empowered People

Take initial steps toward fully trained and empowered people, taking ownership of their role in the implementation of the DEIB strategy

The Journey


Understanding current DEIB status

Pulse check

Gap Analysis

Current State + Future State


Interactive Mapping Sessions

Future Visioning - What’s possible

Alignment to People Strategy + Values

Case Studies + examples


Strategy playback

Audit + Refine

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