Our SDG Journey

How can leaders shape the future with megatrends and SDGs?

In our journey of transformation, every choice we make at work connects us to global change. Our dedication to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) propels us toward a future where work is a force for good, merging Global MegaTrends with SDGs to pioneer new paths of leadership. 


💙 Empowering workplaces and leadership


We've brought Mattering into workplaces globally, integrating mental health and well-being into all our learning and development practices (Target 3.4). Our leadership programs, notably our partnership with Birchtree, have been pivotal in creating mentally healthy leaders and fostering inclusive, safe cultures, directly supporting SDG Targets 3.4 and 5.5 by encouraging women’s participation in decision-making processes.


Our efforts in connecting leadership teams to transparency, building trust and leading with vulnerability, have been realised through workshops designed to open dialogues and establish trust at every organisational level, reinforcing our commitment to SDG Targets 16.6 and 16.7, focused on building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions.


🤝🏻 Amplifying impact through strategic partnerships

Our B Impact score of 103.8, far surpassing the median of 50.9, reflects our alignment with SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. Our mission to cultivate leaders deeply connected to purpose, culture, and impact demonstrates our commitment to fostering partnerships that advance sustainable development. 


Our community engagement efforts have seen us creating ecosystems of change, starting with conversations and culminating in the celebration of collective action. Through our Innovation Partnership with the WA Innovation eco-system and collaboration with Curtin Ignition program, we've mentored startups focused on societal, economic, and environmental solutions, aligning with SDG Targets 8.3 and 9.7 by fostering innovation and job creation.


👐 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)


Our leadership in DEIB strategies both globally and locally has been transformative, creating environments where belonging thrives alongside diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through co-design and cultural transformation initiatives, we have significantly increased women's involvement in leadership and decision-making. Our strategies ensure inclusive, participatory decision-making at every level, in line with Targets 5.5 and 16.7, building more inclusive communities and workplaces.

🤝🏻Innovation and Sustainable Development


Our ongoing innovation partnership with Curtin Ignition program highlights our commitment to mentoring startups and founders (Targets 9.1 and 9.7), emphasizing our role in solving societal challenges through innovation. These efforts contribute to SDG Target 17.G and 17.H, promoting cross-sector partnerships and supporting the SDGs in all countries.


Every workshop, advisory session, and coaching program is a step toward achieving the SDGs, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future. Through our dedicated efforts and strategic partnerships, we're not just advocating for change; we're facilitating it, making a tangible impact across the globe.


We’re going backwards


Compassion in Action