Realising client alignment through identity

Identity. A power team. Alignment.

The situation:

The director of an advertising agency approached us, feeling overwhelmed and unclear about their direction. They were proud of what they’d built, and proud of their people – but it seemed like they were moving sideways instead of forwards. They also had a number of projects and clients that created a sense of unease.

What they did:

This director had recently graduated from our Modern Leaders program, which shows leaders the skills to lead in the new world of work. When the program finished, the director approached our team for a series of strategy sessions to address the areas they saw an immediate opportunity in: clarity and impact.

Over six strategy sessions, Modern People worked with the agency’s team to create those things. As a team, the agency articulated their Organisational Identity, which includes their purpose, values, behaviours, vision and mission. Then, they mapped the projects they were feeling uneasy about against their identity to analyse where the misalignment was, and what they could do about it.

The impact it made:

Throughout the process, it became clear that the team’s strong desire to see their clients and projects succeed was battling against a values misalignment. A small but energetically significant portion of their clients did not share their values, and the agency was not able to live its purpose or vision through them. Over time, it created a cumulative effect of frustration, friction and feelings of helplessness.

Viewing their blockages from a purpose and values perspective inspired a realisation that the agency had created a new set of priorities and principles for their work, and they wanted to adhere to them to make the difference they were here to make.


Our hero’s industry is changed for privacy.


Finding meaning in work for rural workers


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